Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22/12 Session

Second Engineers from both the Haman and Herman session, please bring “takes” sheets to class today; you will make copies for class and myself. 
All bring drum tuning "Evans" sheet.
Read: MRT Ch. 13
Read PMT: (Read the chapter on drum micing, sorry my copy is at school.)
For long term engineering use, when recording loud instruments, I often use these in the studio:
Foam plugs are good, but they are a PITA to put in/take out on constant trips back and forth between the Studio/CR.
Good option:
These are like putting a headphone inside muffs, great for drummers and guitarists too:

ExtremeIsolation Headphones
Today’s session is in flux due to force majeure.
Today you will be tested to receive solo use certification of MARS CRC.
Those students who are not members of this blog are on the road to failure.
Back to KMADradio blog


  1. Alex u have my take sheet from last session. Can u pls bring them. Thx.

  2. Are there engineer and second for today?

  3. force ma·jeure   /Fr. fɔrs maˈʒœr/

    An unexpected and disruptive event that may operate to excuse a party from a contract.

  4. Will, email me that info about the group, if you have it. And if they have any sound samples on-line, that would be helpful.
