Monday, October 15, 2012

C24 Installation

Please view video below:

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  1. Yay for the new C24!

    And holy hell, 2:06 AM? You should be getting an award from the department for THAT level of dedication! Thanks Vin!

  2. I gotta tell you, an award from the Dept. would be meaningless for me. I do these things because I know how, and I'm willing to spend my own time, money and share my skills so you guys can do the work you need to do. I like to do the right thing. And I don't ever expect to be recognized by NJCU for my contributions. Otherwise I'd be applying for promotion now, like a lot of faculty are doing as we speak.

    So, as for my expectations: do the work and get good. Think in sound. Don't fuck around doing yoga in my class.

    1. VIN. YOU. ARE. THE. BEST. <3

      Forget recognition and promotion. Vin should get a chest of gold bars.

  3. I would love to see the new c24 in action!

  4. You are always welcome. I still have to wire some more D-subs.
